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Strategic Advisory Group

The development of the National PID Strategy was guided by a senior stakeholder Taskforce chaired by Professor Keith Nugent (ANU). The Taskforce concluded in March 2023 and a Strategic Advisory Group has been formed to guide implementation and Roadmap development.

Terms of Reference

The members of the Strategic Advisory Group will:

  1. Provide strategic advice to the ARDC on the overall implementation of the National PID Strategy and
    review the Strategy statement as required.

  2. Provide strategic advice on the development, implementation and review of the Roadmap, including the Action Plans and the associated tools. The Roadmap will be developed/extended on an annual basis. Performance against plans will be reviewed annually.

  3. Provide strategic advice on the development, implementation and review of the national PID service

  4. Advise on strategies for gaining the engagement and commitment of key stakeholders in the
    implementation of the Strategy and Roadmap.

  5. Act as advocates for the National PID Strategy and Roadmap.

  6. Act in accordance with the ARDC Code of Conduct.

The complete Terms of Reference are available to view as a downloadable PDF - National PID Strategy and Roadmap Strategic Advisory Group (ToR) FINAL.pdf





Caroline Finch

DVC-R, Edith Cowan University

Universities Australia DVC-R group

Claire Forsyth

Branch Manager, Research Evaluation and Data

Australian Research Council

Australian Research Council

Heath Marks

CEO, Australian Access Federation

Australian Access Federation

Joe Shapter

Chair, Australian ORCID Steering Committee

Australian ORCID Steering Committee

Julie Glover

Executive Director, Research Foundations, National Health and Medical Research Council

National Health & Medical Research Council

Lisa Yen

CEO, Microscopy Australia

Microscopy Australia

Rikke Moorhouse

Senior Policy Analyst, Research and Innovation, Universities Australia

Universities Australia

Semira Dautovic

Director, Research Performance and Development

Macquarie University

Australasian Research Management Society



Department of Education

Adrian Burton

Deputy CEO, Australian Research Data Commons


Natasha Simons

Director, National Coordination, Australian Research Data Commons


Linda O’Brien

Strategic Adviser to the National PID Strategy, engaged by ARDC


Matthias Liffers

Product Manager, PIDs, Australian Research Data Commons

ARDC, Executive support for the Advisory Group

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