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The Strategy and Vision

The vision

Accelerate Australian research quality, efficiency and impact through universal use of connected persistent identifiers

The Australian National persistent identifier (PID) Strategy 2024 outlines a vision to accelerate Australian research quality, efficiency and impact through universal use of connected persistent identifiers.

Improve Research Quality and Efficiency

Increase the Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reuse of inputs to research

Inputs to research include potential research partners, related research projects, grants, facilities, data, samples and observations. By increasing a researcher’s ability to discover relevant inputs, we will reduce duplication, increase research productivity and create opportunities for impactful partnerships

Increase the Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reuse of research outputs.

Outputs from research include data, reports, methods, non-traditional research outputs and publications. By increasing the discoverability of these outputs, we can improve future research, create new kinds of research, reduce duplication and improve the timeliness of translating research into impact.

Improve research reproducibility, provenance and attribution while minimising administrative burden, enabling researchers to spend more time on research

By linking researchers to projects, grants, organisations and equipment, we can improve research reproducibility, provenance and attribution. Through the use of PIDs, researchers can minimise the amount of time they spend on reproducing the same data many times over, releasing valuable time back into research

Optimise the National Research and Innovation Ecosystem

Improve our ability to understand the impact of research inputs and evaluate research quality, impact and evidence of public benefit

By linking elements across the research and innovation ecosystem through PIDs, we can better understand the relationship between the elements of the ecosystem, including investment, use, outputs, outcomes and impact. We can more efficiently assess our research institutions’ performance with respect to research quality thresholds, better trace the impact of the research and through this, more readily explain the public benefit of the research

Improve our ability to map Australia’s research capability

Australia needs the research capability to address our national priorities. PIDs for people, organisations, research services and infrastructure would enable us to map our research capability against national priorities and invest appropriately to address gaps.

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