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Creating the National Collaborative Roadmap

The Roadmap consists of Action Plans from institutions and stakeholder groups.

For the latest news and updates on the National PID Strategy and Roadmap, subscribe to the ARDC Newsletter.

Develop an Action Plan

The ARDC is on hand to provide assistance - book a workshop.

Organisations in the Australian research and innovation sector are invited to develop and share action plans for their implementation of PIDs.

By following the stakeholder action plan template, organisations can identify opportunities for improvement under the outcomes of the National PID Strategy.

We have prepared example action plans for research institutions (including universities) and NCRIS facilities (and other research infrastructure providers).

Submit an Action Plan

Once your organisation has developed an action plan, we invite you to submit it for inclusion here.

Join a Stakeholder Action Group

The ARDC is convening a number of Stakeholder Action Groups to drive activity on PIDs in Australia

See the Stakeholder Action Plans

Australian Research Data Commons

Goal (outcome)


Measure of success


Facilitate implementation of the National PID Strategy

Lead the development of the National Collaborative Roadmap including via the Strategic Advisory Group and the Stakeholder Action Groups 

National Collaborative Roadmap development

Stakeholder Action Group outputs 

Strategic Advisory Group outputs 

May 2024 - Jun 2025

Enable research funders, institutions and NCRIS facilities to make better use of PIDs to realise their goals

Facilitate Stakeholder Action Group for Funders, Institutions and NCRUS

Stakeholder Action Group outputs including Capability Maturity Model, Group Action Plan and identification of collaborative projects 

May - Dec 2024

Enable better identification, linking, tracking of impact and discovery of research grants as the key link for researchers, institutions and outputs

Enable international best practice in the identification of research grants by expanding the ARDC DataCite DOI service to enable DOIs to be minted for research grants

ARDC DataCite DOI service used by research funders to mint grant DOIs

May - Dec 2024

Improve linking of research and industry

Build the Research Link Australia service

Release of Research Link Australia and completion of partner projects

May - Dec 2024

Enable the Australian research sector to access priority PIDs

Operate as Australian DataCite DOI Consortium lead 

Operate other PID services including IGSN for physical samples, Handle and RAiD for projects

Streamline National PID Service model in collaboration with AAF as Australian ORCID Consortium Lead

ARDC PID services available and used

National PID service model refined in collaboration with AAF and made available

May 2024 - Jun 2025

Build PIDs into infrastructure to enable FAIR 

Facilitate PID adoption and use by partners in thematic research data commons 

Increased PID adoption and use in thematic research data commons 

May 2024 - Jun 2025

Improve visibility of research projects via RAiD

Operate as RAiD ISO (standard) Registration Authority

Scale RAiD internationally 

RAiD ISO Registration Authority operation

Launch RAiD in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)

May 2024 - Jun 2025

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