Australian National PID Strategy and Roadmap
Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) are a core infrastructure component of a world-class, global digital information ecosystem. They provide a universal, machine-readable, interoperable method to uniquely identify and connect entities such as researchers and innovators, funders, organisations, articles, datasets, projects, software, instruments and samples. This allows us to manage the fragmented, complex, distributed and federated research and innovation ecosystem, and derive insights that will accelerate it for Australia.
The Australian National Persistent Identifier Strategy is the culmination of a coordinated, comprehensive and collaborative process led by the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC). It has been informed by extensive consultation through national workshops, working groups, webinars and via an open call for individual and group submissions. A National PID Strategy Taskforce comprised of senior stakeholders provided strategic advice and guidance. Released as a draft in July 2023, the Strategy has been refined through extensive and open co-design, consultation and engagement with the sector.
Why do PIDs matter?
How PIDs support research and researchers in Australia
The Strategy and Vision
Accelerate Australian research quality, efficiency and impact through universal use of connected persistent identifiers
Strategic Advisory Group
The development of the National PID Strategy was guided by a senior stakeholder Taskforce chaired by Professor Keith Nugent (ANU). The Taskforce concluded in...
Creating the National Collaborative Roadmap
Develop an Action Plan and contribute to the Roadmap
Implement PIDs at your organisation
Guiding principles for best practice implementation